Our founders are both disabled veterans, who have both proudly served the USA for over 20 years.

“The DOD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for Service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of service. SkillBridge connects Service members with industry partners in real-world job experiences. For Service members SkillBridge provides an invaluable chance to work and learn in civilian career areas. For industry partners SkillBridge is an opportunity to access and leverage the world’s most highly trained and motivated workforce at no cost. Service members participating in SkillBridge receive their military compensation and benefits, and industry partners provide the training and work experience. SkillBridge is an excellent benefit for installation and Unit Commanders who have members about to be discharged from Active Duty. SkillBridge can help Service members bridge the gap between the end of service and the beginning of their civilian careers. Commanders can greatly ease this return to civilian life by supporting their reports’ interest in SkillBridge. When mission permits, Commanders who support SkillBridge participation are helping their personnel find a civilian career with a trusted employer. Service members can be granted up to 180 days of permissive duty to focus solely on training full-time with approved industry partners after unit commander (first O-4/Field Grade commander in chain of command) provides written authorization and approval. These industry partners offer real-world training and work experience in in-demand fields of work while having the opportunity to evaluate the Service member’s suitability for the work.”
“Service members must be able to complete the program within their last 180 days of military service, and it is strongly recommended that Service members complete as much of their Service’s transition program as possible prior to starting a SkillBridge program to ensure that they are well informed of all of their post-Service options before entering this program. Approval authority rests with the first field grade commander authorized to impose non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the UCMJ in the Service member’s chain of command. Such commanders may approve or disapprove participation by a Service member based upon unit mission requirements.”
In order to qualify for VSA you must meet the following requirements:
1. Have less than 10 months remaining on active duty.
2. We highly suggest you have your Skillbridge packet completed 2 months before your eligible Skillbridge date.
3. Have a list of industries that you wish to obtain an internship in along with the location(s).
4. Must be motivated and have strong communication with VSA during the entire process.
At VSA we have the authorization to allow a non-Department of Defense approved company to obtain a SkillBridge intern. We are able to do this by employing a staff that will verify, authorize, and periodically check in with the Veteran Industry Partner (VIP). We charge a small sponsorship fee for each service member which can only be paid for by the employer. VSA is a nationally accredited DoD Skillbridge industry partner that will remain by your side all the way to civilian employment helping you to navigate the job market maze so you can secure a stable and productive future for you and you loved ones. VSA is built differently than other SkillBridge opportunities. Transitioning service members who chose VSA have said they were never contacted after reaching out to other SkillBridge partners. VSA communicates with Service members after they apply and all the way through their internship. Why waste your time with over 2,400 SkillBridge partners wondering when (or if) you’ll hear back from them when VSA is a highly-personal company who will stay in touch from start to finish?
1. Have a company (small family friend businesses are best) who is willing to sponsor you and pay the placement fee per month, plus applicable tax.
2. Have a professional resume developed if you do not have one. We recommend Value For Veterans, please visit www.valueforveterans.com use code: vsa15 to receive 15% of your final order.
3. Be flexible on the industry you are looking to obtain an internship within along with the location.
4. Be persistent with employers.
You are able to collect your normal pay, BAH, etc while obtaining a valuable internship of your choice. This is a great time to network in your spare time while not at work. If you do not enjoy your internship, there is no obligation to stay once completed.
As soon as you’re approved for separation or retirement from the military, you should start communicating through your chain of command about your intent to participate in a VSA internship. Your goal is for your Commander to approve your Skillbridge participation in order to move forward with VSA’s Skillbridge Program. NOTE: If you qualify, your last 180 days on Active Duty can be spent participating with VSA. This can also be shorter if you are also approved for House-hunting leave, terminal leave, etc. See your Service-specific Education and Personnel offices for more information.
Our founders are both disabled veterans, who have both proudly served the USA for over 20 years.